Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Southern Style Holidays

Let's be completely honest, the South knows how to celebrate the holiday season. Little Rock Movers must get hundreds of calls after the holidays are over with and people see the display of homes covered in wreaths and filled with overstuffed turkeys and grand trees decorated from tree skirted base to star topped tip. There's something about the little details that go into the holiday season, that traditional southern cities just seem to do better. Walk into any Jonesboro home in December, and you'll feel like you just stepped into a Hallmark card.

So if you romanticize about the holiday season, what are you waiting for? Come on down to Arkansas with the help of the trusted Little Rock moving company, Doss Moving & Storage. Contact us today for a free quote!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

For The Love of Cornbread

You're not a true southerner if you don't have a consistent helping of cornbread in diet. Cornbread is just one of many cooking specialties that you can find in southern cities like Little Rock and Conway, Arkansas. A lot of people can't go long without their southern style meals.

People move all over the country for plenty of reasons. Would you ever relocate somewhere for the local cuisine? Probably not, but if there was ever that case, a Little Rock moving company can get you there.

So whether you are coming or going, for whatever reason it may be, our Little Rock movers will get you there.