Tuesday, March 20, 2012

5 Little Rock Office Moving Tips

Moving an entire office with all of your employees' belongings requires organization and a finely executed plan. The Little Rock office movers have 5 tips to make the move easier on you and your entire staff.

1) Compare a blueprint of your current space with a blueprint of your new office space to assist with the new layout.
2) Receive your free in-office moving quote early. That way we will have more time to plan.
3) Have a single point of contact at your office for all moving information to be relayed through.
4) Plan a sale for any furniture or office equipment that is no longer needed.
5) Move on a day your business is closed.

Move with the Little Rock moving company of choice, Doss Moving and Storage.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fears in Storage

Considering to utilize a Little Rock storage facility doesn't come without its concerns, so doing your research is very important. In a sense when storing your valuables, you're trusting someone else to watch over your things, not just dropping them off in a safe house for a month or two. If the storage facility were to catch fire, would your things be protected? What about if someone broke in and tried to steal something of yours? Ensuring the Little Rock residential storage you choose has theft protection and fire protection in place could be the best thing you can do for your valuable belongings.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hidden Dangers That Can Destory Your Deam Home

A lurking danger to always keep an eye out for if you are looking for a new home, trying to sell your home, or even if you just live in a house that can destroy houses quickly and from under your feet without you even knowing.  I am talking about termites of course.  As your local Little Rock movers we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge about homes and moving over the years. Termites can be a killer to a household.  If you are looking for a new home, be sure to keep an eye out for any damage done by termites as repairing this damage can cost a great deal, not to mention it can make the house structurally unsound and unsafe.  As a moving company in little rock we want to share our knowledge with you about these hidden dangers than can be easily overlooked with a quick glance. Terminix says that Jan is a great time to take preventative measures to protect your home.